Monday, November 26, 2012

"Music is Life"

People say music is life because they can relate to it, right? Those songs are made by people who are going through, have gone through or know what others are feeling. Therefore, no one is alone in this life, therefore, it's not just the music talking to you and being there for you, it's the people that have been through it too. I know there has been sometimes I felt no one has been through I've been through, and if anything they've been through something similar or worse, so as life goes on, music helps, but don't stay cold and talk to people. I've learned that the hard way, and I regret the time I've lost, so music isn't exactly "life", but it is probably an important element to keeping people together and showing a closeness between others who can relate and like the same genres. The beats of music is my favorite part, but then again that's just me because they are the part of the song that makes you want to not just sit down and do nothing. Adventures should happen everyday! Even if it's the most random and stupid thing-- Okay I take that back. Don't be stupid, actually make smart decisions because you can regret it, but have fun with life. We go through things in life to make more things happen that are meant to happen which makes it the best time of our lives. So live life to the fullest. Especially with a cat with headphones. Especially with a cat with headphones.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I don't get why things go in and out of fashion. I probably shouldn't be talking since I love skinny jeans and I've always, always, ALWAYS never liked bell bottoms. Or anything that dragged behind me in like the rain. I love the rain, but not when I have to be cold, and especially since I love summer. I only like the cold if I wear a lolita designed jacket.

Like these. They're really adorable and comfy, and warm. I'm surprised they aren't popular. Probably because they are Japanese based and just out there? Like eye candy? People enjoy attention, but some are shy maybe. Everyone wants to be accepted so they don't go out of their way to look different. Just to fit in. Most people do.

>> I'll edit the rest of this tomorrow. Think of this as a preview!

Thankful for:

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Camus
So I was looking up quotes today after Thanskgiving. Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I was really thinking about all my friends and why I'm thankful. I really am, even if I'm bad with contact, especially in Santa Cruz, so please I'm asking for forgiveness this holiday too! (Even if you won't see this, probably.) Anyway, even if I move like every year, my friends are super special to me, even if we fight or I act horribly horrible at times, I wanted you to know. So walk beside me and don't just follow me.
I also read this quote today when I was with my cousins and this is totally true no matter what. My sister and I are a year apart then again, so that might make us closer, but I don't find that true. Most people say so though. The quote read (Okay I don't completely remember it..) it was like: We'll always fight, but we'll always make up as well. If you touch my sibling you'll answer to me. 
Something like that. Anyway a lot of my friends I'd say are like my siblings too in that way. I don't know, but what I do know is this post is to show who I am thankful for and I should never take advantage of them.
Lesson here: You never know who you might be friends with. You could hate them at first or not even talk to them for a long time or even think it was possibly possible for you to even talk to them, but once you do, you know you wouldn't want to trade them for the world. (Not off topic for a lesson, right?) 
 Seriously, Donna, you're my only sister. My only sibling. The only one I grew up with and actually kept after all these years. I even have to share a room with you and we bicker over the most idiotic things. I know a lot of siblings hate each others guts, but think of it this way. If you lost all your friends and you were the last two (or how many siblings you have) on Earth; I don't think you'd kill each other if you had to chance. So be thankful and be thankful to be alive and living. No one should hate anyone. (Soooo not trying to be a hippie with the >Peace< message, but hey, I did live in Santa Cruz for a while.) Joking. I'm always joking when it's mean. Always.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Be who you want to be.

I've noticed I'm a horrible blogger, but, who hasn't been told they could be anything? It's true that I believe, if you do put your mind to something, you can do it, but sometimes that's not your purpose in life.

Especially if you have a pet bear that thinks it is a frog. Wait, why would you even have a bear as a pet? Well, don't get eaten. No. But in this serious moment, you should keep going after what your heart desires.

So if something inspires you.. (Hopefully this does more than Disney Channel. With those weird commercials. Believe in yourself!) You're meant to do something that no one else is. Or rather, you have a trait that someone else doesn't. We're all different so we can all find out what we love to do. Thinking about college and what-not, I just wanted to post this. So yeah, don't give up if you're not sure what to do in life, but I swear, I swear... don't. I repeat DON'T, say you're less than someone else.
Some people are just better at things than us sometimes. Doesn't mean we shouldn't still try our best..
                                          . . . . . .
 . . . . . .
                      . . . . . .uh, right?
Yeah! Right!
So follow this saying whenever you're feeling down. Even if someone does something hurtful, be inspired to find anything good in life, because there always is:
                                                "When a door closes, a window opens."
I'm sure a lot of people have seen this by now, but if you just had a break-up or something, hopefully this will lift your spirits.
Nice Guys:


So I've noticed that I procrastinate a lot, especially with something I don't want to do. That includes the deadly word: homework. Homework is good for reasons of helping to become better at a subject and actually knowing what you are learning, but then again who is going to remember what they learn if they don't even use it for their job when older? Or rather, why can't we learn what we want to learn? I think it is fine the way things with school are set up now, and it's awesome when teachers don't give homework as a reward on Fridays, but if we know it already or uninterested in it, I think we shouldn't waste our time especially if we're busy outside of school. Although, if you don't do homework or study this might happen:
 Plus, remember guys, girls do like smarties. It's a great way to show off instead of those athletes who think they are all that. It's fun when it's a game, but when it goes to dying for this title, I'd rather not stay around.
If we got to study more in what we wanted since there isn't much time in a day for everything. Although writing. That is a key to life. It lets you read and do all this stuff with work, so please keep the writing, but not so much homework. Then again, the ones who do homework are the ones who are more smart and may survive a zombie apocalypse more likely than someone who hasn't. Now that I think about it.. Chemistry isn't a bad way to go with all these reasons. Blowing up stuff makes explosions and who doesn't like that?
One more thing about homework. Good luck with it. Because if you don't, your grades may look like this in the near future depending:
Kidding, but I guess what we've learned here today is that grades are important and you shouldn't slack off like me since I should be doing my homework right now, but I got bored. Oh, right, don't procrastinate! And homework I guess has good and bad effects to us, but I guess it's meant to cause more good than bad anyway. Have a happy school year everyone and no really I do wish you good luck in all seriousness. Thank you for reading! (Too random?)

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Most people get into anime in middle school. That's what I've observed. I think I'll love it to the day I die. People say it's a "Japanese cartoon" but it's so cute usually. Like a bunny or whatever you think is cute.
⇨Cartoons are not the same thing, because they aren't as entertaining.
⇨Video games are just awesome and get you hooked.
⇨Novels can get you hooked if they are written well.
⇨Songs are good usually if they have an amazing beat and a message, but usually it's the beat that matters.
Anime is like any other Media to be judged by a person, but don't think less of a person for liking anime! Take a chance and even check it out. If you don't like it, you don't like it but some animes are weird, but the plot twists that way. Checking out manga is like books and movies too. Usually the manga is better. That's up to you, but if you want to check out some anime:
*InuYasha (Funny moments/Different Era/Demons)
*Clannad (You'll cry if you have a soul, but it's worth it)
*Angel Beats!
*Chobits (Sweet/Cute/Strange at times)
*Sword Art Online (Gamer)
*K-ON! (Adorable/Band/School)
*Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
*Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu (Comedy/School/Random)
*Acchi Kocchi (Cute love story type "Girl not being able to tell her feelings to the guy")
*Soul Eater (Actually just started watching this, comedy and I really like it because of the action too. The plot is great with Shinigamis who have weapons with human forms.)
There's more, but here are some to start with.
 Cartoon Shows I enjoy:
*The Simpsons
*Family Guy, but I've watched it way too much kind of getting bored unless it's a new episode.
*I don't remember right now!
Regular Shows:
*Friends (I blame my sister for loving it)
*How I Met Your Mother (I blame Kyra for this one)
*I got tired... and fell asleep and.. wait where am I.. are you paying attention to this still?
So if you have nothing better to do, here's a (short) list that I recommend.
 Oh yeah and the lesson from this! Don't judge others? Yeah, don't judge others!


And the lesson here is: Stealing is wrong, but not if you show the person before stealing them.
Warning: The sentence you just read at the top is not accurate. Don't steal, buy stuff or you don't get ... whatever your favorite thing in the world is ever again! No, just don't ask obvious questions, like I do everyday.