Monday, November 19, 2012

Be who you want to be.

I've noticed I'm a horrible blogger, but, who hasn't been told they could be anything? It's true that I believe, if you do put your mind to something, you can do it, but sometimes that's not your purpose in life.

Especially if you have a pet bear that thinks it is a frog. Wait, why would you even have a bear as a pet? Well, don't get eaten. No. But in this serious moment, you should keep going after what your heart desires.

So if something inspires you.. (Hopefully this does more than Disney Channel. With those weird commercials. Believe in yourself!) You're meant to do something that no one else is. Or rather, you have a trait that someone else doesn't. We're all different so we can all find out what we love to do. Thinking about college and what-not, I just wanted to post this. So yeah, don't give up if you're not sure what to do in life, but I swear, I swear... don't. I repeat DON'T, say you're less than someone else.
Some people are just better at things than us sometimes. Doesn't mean we shouldn't still try our best..
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                      . . . . . .uh, right?
Yeah! Right!
So follow this saying whenever you're feeling down. Even if someone does something hurtful, be inspired to find anything good in life, because there always is:
                                                "When a door closes, a window opens."
I'm sure a lot of people have seen this by now, but if you just had a break-up or something, hopefully this will lift your spirits.
Nice Guys:

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