"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Camus
So I was looking up quotes today after Thanskgiving. Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I was really thinking about all my friends and why I'm thankful. I really am, even if I'm bad with contact, especially in Santa Cruz, so please I'm asking for forgiveness this holiday too! (Even if you won't see this, probably.) Anyway, even if I move like every year, my friends are super special to me, even if we fight or I act horribly horrible at times, I wanted you to know. So walk beside me and don't just follow me.
I also read this quote today when I was with my cousins and this is totally true no matter what. My sister and I are a year apart then again, so that might make us closer, but I don't find that true. Most people say so though. The quote read (Okay I don't completely remember it..) it was like: We'll always fight, but we'll always make up as well. If you touch my sibling you'll answer to me.
Something like that. Anyway a lot of my friends I'd say are like my siblings too in that way. I don't know, but what I do know is this post is to show who I am thankful for and I should never take advantage of them.
Lesson here: You never know who you might be friends with. You could hate them at first or not even talk to them for a long time or even think it was possibly possible for you to even talk to them, but once you do, you know you wouldn't want to trade them for the world. (Not off topic for a lesson, right?)
Seriously, Donna, you're my only sister. My only sibling. The only one I grew up with and actually kept after all these years. I even have to share a room with you and we bicker over the most idiotic things. I know a lot of siblings hate each others guts, but think of it this way. If you lost all your friends and you were the last two (or how many siblings you have) on Earth; I don't think you'd kill each other if you had to chance. So be thankful and be thankful to be alive and living. No one should hate anyone. (Soooo not trying to be a hippie with the >Peace< message, but hey, I did live in Santa Cruz for a while.) Joking. I'm always joking when it's mean. Always.
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